• Fall Guys – What’s the Appeal?

    Gemma Cockrell Gemma delves into the appeal of Fall Guys, and why it’s been so well-received and so widely loved by gaming fans. If you’re remotely interested in video-games, you’ll have heard Fall Guys mentioned in conversation non-stop this month. For those who don’t know, Fall Guys consists of...
  • The delicate line that ‘Dark Souls III’ rides

    With equal parts beauty and brutality, Dark Souls III has provided one of the most memorable gaming experiences of recent years. If you’re going to give this one ago, be prepared to die. A lot. FromSoftware’s 2016 title received much critical acclaim upon release. And now that I’m finally...
  • Trailer Watch: ‘Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled’

    Beep. Beep. Beep. GO! And I’m already going insane. Crash is BACK but not just the N-sane trilogy, no no no my friends, Crash Team Racing is BACK! (Can you tell I’m excited?) With the trailer dropping just yesterday, fans of Crash everywhere are screaming in excitement (myself included)....
  • No Man’s Sky deserves a Second Chance

    No Man’s Sky (NMS) was released in 2016 on the biggest hype train of the generation. This game – an exploration-adventure set in a procedurally generated universe of five quintillion planets – would revolutionise the medium, promised overenthusiastic indie developer Hello Games. Then the game arrived, and the hype train...
  • Loot Boxes: Is your Overwatch skin worth exposing children to gambling?

    Loot Boxes, the very thing that I’m sure causes most people to roll their eyes and sigh with discontent as they have eeked their way into nearly every genre of game: sports, shooters, fighters, even some RPGs. But there seems to be a dangerous future for any company that...
  • TellTale: The Walking Death of a business

    As of the 21st of September, TellTale game studios has filed for bankruptcy and has essentially died. This was a sudden and surprising revelation that has caused great waves within the community as many of the games they have put out have become beloved and held in high regard....
  • Impact Plays Nostalgia Edition: Crash Team Racing

    For my last birthday my sister surprised me with an unexpected and thoughtful present, a boxed copy of Crash Team Racing for the Playstation 1. CTR was one of my most played and beloved games during childhood, I’ve always remembered it fondly as a personal favourite. In fact my...