• 5 Best Shakespearian Males

    It’s no mean feat to whittle down the great male characters of William Shakespeare’s plays to a list of five. The majority of Shakespeare’s works are set in male dominated worlds and populated by strong, complex and witty male characters, many of which are even granted the title of...
  • 5 Best Shakespearian Females

    Many of Shakespeare’s most renowned plays focus on the male characters at the centre of the narrative; we only have to look at titles such as Othello, Hamlet and Macbeth to understand that the men in these plays are the top dogs. This may be due to the illegality...
  • 5 Ways To Celebrate Shakespeare

    From down-right funny theatre to shocking revelations about everyone’s favourite bard. This is how to brush up on your Shakespeare in Nottingham this summer. Watch The Complete Deaths of William Shakespeare @ The Nottingham Playhouse Did you know that in Shakespeare’s works there are whopping 74 onstage deaths? For...
  • Rare Shakespeare First Folio Discovered

    A copy of the first collected edition of Shakespeare’s plays, one of the most sought after books in the world, has been discovered in the library of a stately home on the Isle of Bute. The discovery comes ahead of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death on April 23rd,...
  • The Mystery of Shakespeare’s Head…

    Everyone knows the great William Shakespeare is buried at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford Upon Avon. But how much of William Shakespeare is really there? The Telegraph newspaper released a report on the 23rd of March which detailed the findings of Channel 4’s documentary Secret History: Shakespeare’s Tomb. The team...
  • Lizzie’s Lent: Part 4

    The final instalment of the Lizzie’s Lent book challenge reflects on the hardships of forgoing book buying, the excitement at finally buying them again and the harsh reality of having an empty purse… At this point, I am realizing what a classic stereotypical English student I am. I mean,...
  • Spotlight on… Technical Directing

    I popped down to the New Theatre in the first week of university to lend a hand. Three years later, with 10 Technical Director (TD) credits, I think I can say I was bitten by the backstage bug. In a nutshell, the role encompasses looking after all technical aspects...