Tara Anegada, Emily Ash, Maddie Craig, Georgia Hamblett & Alex Tyndall October is the month of fallen leaves and cosy hot chocolates. In essence of this month, we gave our writers the word ‘safe’ to inspire their work. This is what they came up with. Safe Tara Anegada...
Katherine Davey Over “…adapt and adjust to the new reality. That is what we all must do” says Rishi Sunak – but to what extent can the arts and cultural industries adapt and adjust without sustaining significant, possibly detrimental change? It might be a little presumptuous to describe our...
Amber Chow Amber discusses the hype around the new Banksy piece in Lenton and explores the controversial relationship between fame and art. The new Banksy piece on Rothesay Avenue – I cannot say I have not heard about it, far from it. My following’s Instagram stories, and posts have...
Gemma Cockrell This term has proven difficult for societies due to COVID-19 restrictions, meaning they are unable to run their usual face-to-face events and socials. This has meant they have had to brainstorm new and innovative ways to keep their members engaged, and keep the community alive during a...
Helena McGrory Hamilton: An American Musical premiered in New York City (2015) and was highly acclaimed for the arguably controversial step it took in racial inclusion and promotion of diversity. Has this sparked a change within the musical theatre industry or the arts still remain as a ‘white-washed’ sector...
Emily Campbell, Chiara Crompton, Rowan Cothliff, Daisy Forster, Jasmin Lemarie and Ben Ofungwu As October marks Black History Month, Impact have come together to share with our readers the books we think are important from black and minority authors. Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo Girl, Woman, Other is an...
In light of the new term and fresh starts for everyone, we gave our contributors the theme of ‘beginnings’ for this month’s creative showcase. Here is the writing and artwork that they came up with! Beginning Again John Locke said personal identity was defined by consciousness and memory. ...