• BREAKING: Police called to Florence Boot

    At around 5pm on Friday evening police were called to Florence Boot Hall to investigate a student in possession of a large number of guns. The situation has now been resolved, but it remains unclear whether the firearms were real. Some reports claim the student is a member of...
  • UoN staff and students protest the University’s employment standards

    This morning students and academic staff at the University of Nottingham (UoN) took to Trent Courtyard to protest the University not implementing a Living Wage. Around a hundred students and staff members gathered early Tuesday morning carrying cleaning supplies to show solidarity with the cleaning staff, the University’s lowest-paid...
  • Fire breaks out in derelict building on Radmarsh Road

    A fire occurred at 7.20pm on Sunday 10th July 2016 on the west end of Jubilee Campus, Radmarsh Road. The fire broke out in a derelict building right next to UNITE STUDENTS accommodation. The incident brought on a full crime scene and fire investigation, and students were evacuated for their safety....