With plenty of energy to keep you on their toes, this comedy duo didn’t fail to keep a smile on their audience’s faces from start to finish. The “hysterical blend of music, mayhem and murder” of a musical follows two actors who play 13 characters between the two of them,...
Directed by Richard Curtis and originally released in 2003, festive favourite Love Actually, follows the lives of eight couples whose stories are intertwined in the lead up to Christmas. Love Actually in Concert consisted of a live orchestra performing Craig Armstrong’s famous score, while the film was projected onto a...
An effortlessly crafted snapshot of youth’s bittersweet confusion, That Summer Feeling, based around a young man standing at an emotional cross-roads in his life, is both earnest and engaging. “When “That Summer Feeling” that filled you up so joyously and brilliantly before, is just a cold autumn memory of tortured...
The student-led theatre production of The Beauty Queen of Leenane, written by Martin McDonagh, was phenomenal. The performance presented the disturbing and psychologically baffling relationship between the manipulative 70-year-old Mag (Emma Pallett) and her mentally unstable daughter Maureen (Esther Townsend). The set (designed by Tom Proffitt) remains consistent throughout...
Dancing Christmas trees, sparkling stars, and smiles all around- Nativity! The Musical is the festive extravaganza that is guaranteed to get you in the mood for Christmas! Based on the 2009 film directed by Debbie Isitt, Nativity! The Musical was adapted for the stage last year in London, and...
Nottingham New Theatre’s interpretation of Adult Child/Dead Child explored many themes using just a single character, his monologues, thoughts and soliloquies. Jess Donn’s intense take on Claire Dowie’s original play was often hair-raising, fleshing out difficult truths about our world. Adult Child/Dead Child is a subversive take on a...
Innovative, playful and dramatic are just a few of the many terms I would use to describe the sensation that is Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake. This production, a contemporary interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s original ballet, features an excitingly dangerous male ensemble, which has come to be known as a defining...