This year marks the 3rd time that NU Dance has won ‘Best Overall Club’ at the biggest inter-university competition in England. They are, by all accounts, a pretty big deal, but back home on Uni Park Campus is where they continue to do us proud. Watching them perform their...
Shopping and F***ing is a 1996 play by English playwright, Mark Ravenhill. In a world where everything has been reduced to mere transactions, ‘money is civilisation and civilisation is money’. Under these circumstances, even the product of purchase is rendered secondary to the moment of exchange, ‘the trade’. From...
Stylised sets of celluloid castles and sci-fi spaceships, incredible musical pieces, and an entire theatre full of burly transvestites and undead maids on their feet doing a surprisingly well coordinated rendition of the Time Warp; these are a small selection of the highlights in Nottingham Theatre Royal’s production of...
It’s upstate New York, 1979, post-Vietnam. Set in the Latowski family’s front kitchen-come-bar, Tom Willis’ Electric Nebraska consumes the greying myth of the ‘American Dream’ with such dexterity you’d be forgiven for thinking it had been written by Mr Miller himself. Alongside smatterings of Donnie Brasco and his ‘fuggedaboutit’...
Nottingham’s own Daniel Hoffman-Gill’s intimate play takes the audience on an emotional rollercoaster, either laughing or crying with no in-between. From moments of extreme emotional intensity to childish dinosaur impressions. Issues of disability, friendship and loss come to dominate the play through Hoffman-Gill’s sincere dialogue which is brilliantly brought...
The latest offering from Nottingham New Theatre is a thrilling evening of Shakespearean humour and magic. Director Chris Trueman’s rendition of the Shakespeare classic is fresh and very entertaining. The show starts with the cast emulating a rocking boat perfectly by swinging side to side, using the available resources...
Despite being increasingly discussed in all walks of life, mental health still has a huge stigma attached to it. That’s why I was strangely relieved to watch Hinged, written and directed by Boo Jackson and Tom Heath, which attacks the subject of mental health head-on. Set in 1901, Hinged...