Prima Facie is a one-woman show written by Suzie Miller, which tackles themes of sexual assault and violence, sexism and class privilege. Originally performed in the Harold Pinter Theatre in London, the show was recorded by the 'National Theatre Live', and screened at ciinemas around the country from the...
The Ox House is a collection of imaginative poems by a University of Nottingham alumnus, Teo Eve, due to be released in July this year. Eve attended the University as a student of BA English and MA English Studies, graduating in 2018 and 2020 respectively, and contributed to Impact...
DNA is a dark and twisty play, that centres around a suspicious death. The production arrived at the University of Nottingham's Djanogly Theatre on 14th May, and will run through until the 18th May. It is a collaborative production, between the Lakeside Arts and Nottingham New Theatre. Jasmine Butler...
Carlton Operatic Society's production of Shrek the Musical is an all-singing, all-dancing comedy adaptation from Dreamwork's Shrek. Nottingham Theatre Royal was buzzing with excitement before the spectacular show, and it certainly did not disappointment. Izzy Hunter reviews....
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra is a world-renowned, highly prestigious orchestra based in London. It is the U.K’s most in-demand orchestra, and plays approximately 200 concerts every season, with their audience worldwide totaling half a million. Founded in 1946 by Thomas Beecham, the orchestra is known for its extensive and...
Amrit Virdi shares her thoughts on Wise Children's clever adaptation of Wuthering Heights as it comes to Nottingham's Theatre Royal from 26th-30th April....
Janice Hallett’s recently released book, The Appeal, arrived on bookshelves in the U.K. in 2021. Described by the Sunday Times as “A Modern Agatha Christie”, Hallett has created this twisty murder mystery through notably unconventional methods of writing. Hannah Walton-Hughes reviews....