• Dear Agony Aunt: I don’t know how to cure my hangover…

    Dear Auntie Carol… How do you get over a hangover? Dear reader… “I’m not going to tell you that you should’ve drunk water or eaten bread before going to sleep – that’s your mum’s speech. I’m the cool Auntie, remember?” Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you that...
  • ‘To your health:’ Being Kinder To Your Liver On A Night Out

    Whilst not everyone at university, but certainly a whole lot of us, regularly drink, it is important to keep safe and try to prevent health risks as we do so. Without sounding like an old parent, lecturing you about your drinking habits, I am here to say it’s perfectly...
  • Diary of a Two Weeks Sober Student

    After a booze-heavy Easter with my home friends and having gone on three nights out in the first week back at uni (bad decision, I know), I vowed that I would do a two-week sober challenge over exam season. All my friends and family members who I shared this...
  • Health Impact: Tired?

    “Doctor, I’m tired all the time.” As a GP, I hear this a lot.  In fact, tiredness is the most common problem that people see their doctor for.  1 in every 20 of my appointments are with patients experiencing fatigue1, and every year 1-2% of people in the UK...
  • BBK Live 2017: The Inside Story

    This is a story of two festivals, two cultures, music, mountains, new friends, rain storms and secret back stage sessions. And alcohol. This is the story of BBK Live 2017. BBK Live is an indie rock festival in the North of Spain hidden amongst the mountains behind the old...
  • What is UoN’s Best Campus Bar?

    Years ago, students embarked on the bravest challenge of them all: The ‘Campus 14’. Freshers would traverse University Park’s halls, downing pints in each of their bars, trying to stay alive. In 2001, the event was officially (but ineffectively) banned due to students requiring medical attention; however, with the...
  • The Tactical Chunder: Practical Purge or More Damage Than it’s Worth?

    We’ve all been there (or many of us, at least): you’ve overdone it at pre-drinks, peaked too soon. It’s not even 11pm and you feel as if you’re going to die. However, you are not one to let your stomach defeat you, oh no. A dedicated sesh-head to the...