In 1975, Steven Spielberg released Jaws, a suspenseful tale of a terrifying shark that terrorises Amity Island, which boasted one of the most chillingly recognisable theme tunes ever (from composer John Williams, a Spielberg regular). Star Wars followed in 1977, with Indiana Jones joining the fray in 1981. Spielberg...
Following the epic-scale feature as seen in the last issue (#236) of IMPACT, our writers bring you an even larger group of even more varied cinematic cogitations, from the history of the blockbuster to far reaches of film history with the first animated feature and German Expressionism. Below are the clickable...
From Gandhi to Selma, Chaplin to The Wolf of Wall Street and Catch Me If You Can to Wild, biographical films, or biopics, have experienced a surge of interest in cinema over the last few decades. Expanding our printed Scrapbook on heroism in biopics featured in our 235th issue, our writers journey through a selection of notable biographical pictures over...
Image credit: ‘Cliff’ via Flickr In the wake of last week’s Oscars, Alex takes a look at the big winner and its closest competitor; what made them both worthy, whether they will last, and the big question – which one deserved the little golden men the most? So Birdman...
The phrase ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave’ springs immediately to mind when describing the fifth series of the fantastic French import Spiral (Engrenages), which documents the efforts of an embattled Parisian police team and the lawyers of the Palais de Justice as they attempt to solve various...
Following the release of their fifth album, 48:13, Kasabian blasted into town on Saturday night to play the second of two Nottingham dates on their national tour. As they walked into the Capital FM Arena, they had the air of a band who know they are ruling supreme, and...
Holding up the philosophy that Christmas music should not only be festive, but diverse, Impact has compiled a list of 25 ‘Christmas songs’ to take you through advent. Including not only songs which are indisputably part of the Christmas canon, but also straying into areas of music which holds looser links...