Phil Taylor and Amy Greaves chatted to Kate and Lizzie of the UoN Women’s Rugby Union Club, ahead of Varsity and after a stellar BUCS season. How has the season gone so far? K & L: “It’s gone pretty well, at the moment we are second in the league...
Phil Taylor and Amy Greaves of IMPACT Sport spoke to Josie Ailman of the University of Nottingham Trampoline Club, on their season so far and Varsity 2016. How has the season gone so far? Josie Ailman: “We are doing really well this year!” “We have done twice as...
Impact Sport interviwed Marc Megginson, a member of the University of Nottingham (UoN) Dodgeball Team, on their Varsity preparations. How has the season gone so far? “This year the men’s A team has been promoted from Division 1 to the Premier League, and are currently 8th of 10. “We are...