Steven Spielberg offers a solid but safe spy thriller concerning the true story of James B. Donovan (Tom Hanks), an American insurance lawyer commissioned to defend suspected Russian spy Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance) in court. Donovan takes to this thankless task with vigour and is soon criticised for doing...
The brand new trailer for Goosebumps has just surfaced. If Jurassic World and Terminator Genisys are being called sequels that nobody wanted then surely this is a film nobody asked for. Regardless, this is bound to breathe some new life into the hit 90s T.V. and book series, in which...
Birdman is a film like no other. It’s the type of experience that will have you leaving the cinema dissecting and discussing what it was about, and wondering how such a technical feat was achieved. It’s a triumph that everyone, from the sublime ensemble cast to the miracle-working cinematographer Emmanuel...