The long-awaited Nottingham Operatic Society production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame has finally arrived, after its rescheduling in 2021. A product of the Oscar-winning composer Alan Menken, with a cast of over 50 performers and a wonderful orchestra, this adaptation of Victor Hugo’s novel is a hard-hitting story...
Agatha Christie’s murder mystery The Mousetrap is the world’s longest-running play, and the tour now celebrates 70 years from its original release. Between 27th September to 1st October the esteemed performance has come to Nottingham’s Theatre Royal. Impact’s Amy Child and Ana Balanici attended opening night to review....
To celebrate the release of the band's new captivating studio album, 'Homesick', the London formed indie-rock band, Sea Girls, presented a special album launch at Rescue Rooms on 15th March 2022. Impact's Ana Balanici was an atendee of the event, and reviews....