“It’ll be fine”. Ask any of my friends and this has become a sort of catch phrase of mine. My ‘go-to’ answer for pretty much any situation. Running late for the train? It’ll be fine. Still got 2,000 words of your essay to write? It’ll be fine....
Life under lockdown became the norm for nearly half a year. This means that the sudden change to fast-paced university living, can seem daunting and off-putting. These natural anxieties are a completely normal feeling and adjusting back to student life need not be a struggle....
For centuries, meditation has served as a common way for people to clear away their stress and anxieties. Getting into a comfortable position, controlling our breathing, and allowing the rhythm of stillness to wash over us like an ocean wave are all steps we’ve taken, as a species, in our pursuit of peace. Interestingly, though, no one really knows where the practice of meditation originates from – or even when it...
Here we take a look at why Movember, and the cause it is supporting, is so important. ...
In our daily lives there is lots to be stressed and anxious about, particularly at university. Whether it be deadlines, friendship problems, annoying housemates or even homesickness, it can be hard to not feel overwhelmed sometimes....
This months collection of poetry focuses on the extremely important subject of mental health and wellbeing. This showcase is coming to you mid exam season – and for a good reason – to show that you’re not in this alone! So, without further ado, on with the poems… Breathe...
Following a growing trend of suicides amongst male musicians, serious questions have to be asked as to why this has occurred, what can be learnt from it and what can be done in the future to help people in difficulty receive the right support. Eighteen months ago, a trend...