Maddie Dinnage Despite its blindingly star-studded cast and $80 million budget, historical drama-comedy Amsterdam faces some rather ego-crushing reviews at the box office and stands to lose $60 million after a disappointing opening weekend. Audiences worldwide seem to agree that the highly anticipated feature film, directed and written by...
We know that isolation can be tough, so we’ve rounded up some of the Impact committee’s cutest furry friends to bring some joy to your social distancing. ...
It may surprise you to learn, humans of Nottingham, that there is an intelligence greater than your own surveying your every move. A dark and dangerous force moves in the shadowy underbelly of University Park, known to few but feared by all! Yes, from a secluded corner of campus...
In the world of entertainment, you sometimes have good films, bad films and sometimes even ugly films. However, occasionally you have a film which can transcend these three categories; a film which makes you so physically repulsed at the screen, one you can’t think about without getting angry and...
It’s a sad day when the final curtain comes down on a West End show, especially when it’s been a long running production. But with this comes the promise of a new spectacle, ready and eager to take its place. With the competition for West End venues higher than...