When over 100,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki over the course of three days by two separate explosions, it became clear that the horrors technology allowed us to unleash upon each other had escalated to a new level. The Second World War showed the world mechanised slaughter...
Time named Donald Trump as their Person of the Year for 2016, in a sequence of events even more inevitable than the post-Brexit spike in hate crime. Here at Impact, Time’s leading competitor in the magazine industry, we have compiled our own shortlist of candidates more deserving of the title...
Christmas – a time of frivolity, gifts-giving, gorging and if we’re really lucky: goodwill to all men (and everyone else). In a multi-cultural society you may be tempted to see Christmas as I do: an internationally popular celebration which should be available to all people, British or not, living...
Artistic, authentic and absolutely stunning. For those in the stalls waiting for the play to begin, the gentle singing of the cast could be heard, the first example of a sparing, yet effective use of such song. The play opens, “It was the best of times, it was the...
Although the promotional picture for The Revenger’s Tragedy gives the tedious initial impression of some try hard, ‘alternative’ interpretation of the 15th century piece, any negative preconception is quickly swept away in the first few minutes. Metal music creates a shocking opening scene that quickly seizes the audience’s attention; although...
Recently, no fewer than five nuclear testing reports have come out of North Korea, a state that seems to be detonating weapons of mass destruction unnervingly often. North Korea (or The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) is possibly the most repressive state in the world, with a maddening system...
A fire occurred at 7.20pm on Sunday 10th July 2016 on the west end of Jubilee Campus, Radmarsh Road. The fire broke out in a derelict building right next to UNITE STUDENTS accommodation. The incident brought on a full crime scene and fire investigation, and students were evacuated for their safety....