Big pharma is an area of industrial science that many are cynical about; who can say this is entirely unjustified? Horror stories range from NHS pharmacy directors being provided with only restricted access to proper evidence from drug trial to neglect for treatments and cures of rare diseases due...
Technology enables us as a society to develop more desirable alternatives to gratifying, yet unhealthy, lifestyle habits. But this comes part and parcel with another important component: information. The LGA (Local Government Association) has recently called for calorie counter signs to be attached to alcoholic drinks. In a recent Impact...
Jamie Oliver recently shared his idea of labelling high sugar foods with the number of tea-spoons of sugar contained in a drink to allow parents to make better decisions on their children’s behalf when deciding what to provide as an occasional treat. He estimates Ribena to have a shocking...
When three Muslim students, Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Abu Salha, 21, and her sister Razan Abu Salha, 19, are murdered by a man with a gun in Chapel Hill, the natural response is one of disgust and upset. But perhaps the significance of the event hasn’t...
‘Could you uh, empty the till please, put it right here?’. A video gone viral; the apparently amusing caricature which is being named the most polite robber ever. Many of us would expect a loud, aggressive, youth, thriving off the shopkeeper’s terror, so we are surprised and endlessly entertained by...