A thought-provoking and stimulating story of a world in which climate change has forced all of humanity to change how they live, Rising Tides by Emma White rises highest when it focuses on the personal relationships borne out on stage. Despite the play’s setting, a near-future Earth where climate...
A witty, rough-round-the-edges tale of two young men and their desire to reach the heady heights of Top of the Pops, Cogito Ergo Bum tells the story of Mike (Sam Morris) and Tony (Jack Lahiff), two flatmates in 90s England. Their life-long dream (for about a week) is to...
Sassy and full of fire, Claire Dowie’s Why is John Lennon Wearing a Skirt? delivers a much-deserved punch to society’s stomach. Chloe Richardson and Darcey Graham have taken the powerful play and created a comedic and intense showcase of the issues of gender expectations and their effect on a...
A Beautiful Thing did not shy away from audience participation, and frequently invited the audience to play an active role. This was a fact which seemed to come as news to the onlookers at the Lofthouse Theatre, Nottingham, where the play was shown on the 22nd of November. Despite...
‘A trivial comedy for serious people’ runs true to its name in this comedically spectacular revival of one of Oscar Wilde’s most highly regarded plays. The farcical comedy exposes Victorian London’s social conventions and the characters attempting to escape these customs. The play centres around the satirical pursuit for...
Impact Arts caught up with director Tom Proffitt and producer Darcey Graham to chat about their upcoming play ‘The Glass Menagerie’ at the Nottingham New Theatre, to find out whether they’re remaining true to the direction of Tennessee Williams and how they’ve coped with the challenges of the production....