• UoN Matchmaking Society: Here to help with your dating dilemmas

    Girls group chat a bit dead with your latest love life disaster? House mates bored of your relationship woes? Just want some honest advice from people who’ve made a whole society dedicated to ensuring love blossoms at UoN? The matchmaking team are here to help! Write in your dating...

    My girl WhatsApp group chat continually buzzes with general random topics like food, fashion and most importantly, boys. Screenshots of conversations ping back and forth and advice is absolutely needed. ‘What do I do?’, ‘I like him but he did this and he treated me like that’ and the...
  • Can Freshers learn from this year’s Love Island?

    I think we can all put our hands up and say we would be in the minority if we had not been watching this year’s Love Island. I thought last year’s cast were really entertaining, but the TV show has definitely upped the ante with new plot twists and...
  • First the Worst: Terrifying First Dates

    Out of interest, a mild obsession with Channel 4’s First Dates and a bit of nosiness, I collated some truly awful first date anecdotes, some from our very own Impact editors. All these stories are anonymous, to protect the innocent (or the guilty). Happy Halloween “I went on a...
  • Valentine’s Day Special – Dating Horror Stories

    In honour of the most marmite day of the year, Valentine’s, Impact Features hit Mooch to ask students about their best and worst dates. Turns out, most people don’t have many positive date stories, but were perfectly willing – their tongues loosened by Carlsberg and cocktails, no doubt –...
  • Valentine’s Day: A Survival Guide

    Ahh, it’s that time of year again: Valentine’s Day. Singletons across the country will be treated to a newsfeed full of couples that have been spoilt rotten by bae and lavished with expensive gifts. For some the treat lies in re-watching Bridget Jones in a self-induced ice cream coma and...