• What to Eat to Beat Freshers Flu

    Natasha breaks down the benefits of six ingredients which can help you beat freshers flu ASAP. ...
  • Going Vegan for Lent?

    Deciding to go vegan for Lent did not arise from going puppy eyed over puppies (disclaimer – I really do not like animals), but from my shameless procrastination of trawling through the depths of Wikipedia for hours whilst pretending to be on Google Scholar in Hallward. Apparently, sacrificing animal...
  • Why should you try being a flexitarian?

    It is certainly true that alternative diets, or some would argue lifestyles, have experienced a huge growth in popularity over the past few years. The Independent reported that in April 2018 that the number of those identifying as vegans sky rocketed from around 540,000 in 2016 to 3.5 million...
  • Dear Agony Aunt: I can’t stick to my New Year’s resolution…

    Dear Auntie Carol… How can I stick to my New Year’s resolution this year? Dear reader… First of all, let me apologise for my absence last week! For those of you who don’t know – last Tuesday was my BIRTHDAY! Honestly, so many unexpected things happened. To cut a...
  • The Pros and Cons of Dieting at Uni

    Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet as a university student can be a struggle, especially with the lure of nights out and naughty food. On top of this, juggling deadlines and other commitments with healthy living can seem impossible. Dieting has definite pros and cons, especially at uni, which...
  • The Role and ‘Influence’ of Influencers: Young Blogger Sets Standards

    As women, we are bombarded with an ideal every day. A size 6. A tiny waist with a Kim K behind. Every few posts, we are faced with goddess-like celebrities, individuals whose bodies we have always deemed unobtainable. Yet suddenly we are promised a way that we too can...
  • Down the ‘Free-from’ isle: life as a vegan coeliac

    I’m definitely in a rare bracket when it comes to dietary requirements. I’m a gluten-free vegan. Being vegan is a choice I make for ethical reasons, so I don’t feel irritated at facing the occasional minor obstacle to act upon my ethical beliefs. However, upon finding out from my...