Tolu Sangowawa Infidelity, mental illness, sexuality, terminal illness and addiction. These are just a few of the real-life issues prevalent in society that BBC soap opera Eastenders has explored and accurately portrayed over the past 36 years. The latest storyline, starring Danny Dyer, focuses on the stigma surrounding male...
When legend June Brown (who played Dot Cotton) announced recently that she was leaving Albert Square at age 93, many dedicated fans were deeply saddened. She’s been part of the soap’s furniture for so long, after all. It therefore seems like an appropriate time to analyse some of the...
Peter James’ The House On Cold Hill, starring Joe McFadden and Rita Simons, opened its run at the Theatre Royal on Monday 28th to an audience of mixed reception. To some, a compelling blend of drama, thriller, horror, and comedy, and to others, a drama lacking in the scare-factor...
Playing at the Theatre Royal until Saturday 18th February, the latest production of La Cage aux Folles is full of all the glitz and glamour of the cabaret, the slapstick of the pantomime, and an unusual yet somehow familiar plot-line. It’s a show that must be seen, and a truly...
Christmas TV has become the staple activity for families on the big day, with shows such as EastEnders boasting their biggest storylines and adverts that are beginning to take over the festive season ratings. Impact Film & TV take a look at how the different aspects of Christmas TV...
Tom Watchorn continues to review the Mayhem Film Festival for Impact Film & Television. Day Three After the surprise disappointment of Day Two’s final film Stung, it was something of a reassurance that Day Three – the first of the two true marathon sessions and in hindsight prime for...