• The business conundrum: care vs capital?

    The current climate created by the coronavirus pandemic, is one that has only been predicted in mysterious Netflix series and conspiracy theory videos on the internet. As a result, it is understandable that there is no rulebook on how the world is to handle it. This is particularly relevant...
  • International Monetary Fund Announce Global Recession

    On the 28th of March, chief of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, referring to the global economy announced that it was “now clear that we have entered a recession.” Alongside this, the IMF predicted the economic repercussions of the coronavirus will far outlast the virus itself. Prospects of “waves of...
  • There Really is a Silver Lining to Every Cloud

    Last Monday, from a desk from in Downing Street, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom gave the British people a very simple instruction: you must stay at home. So, with the UK now officially on ‘lockdown’, at my very own desk, parked in front of my shrinking laptop screen, it is difficult to see...
  • Why High Speed Two Isn’t the Way Forward for the North

    While the government is pushing full steam ahead with its development of high speed two rail, creating a so called ‘northern power house’ there is clear evidence to see that high speed two would have irrevocable damage on the North, rather than the aim of improving the north’s economy....
  • Labour’s Plans for a Four Day Working Week

    On the 23rd September 2019, at the Labour Party conference, John McDonnell, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, declared that, “the next Labour government will put in place the changes needed to reduce average full-time hours to 32 a week within the next decade.” This will be done as means...
  • Is Baghdadi’s Death the End of ISIS, or the Start of a New Era?

    After becoming the face of Jihad in 2014, Abu Bakr Al- Baghdadi committed suicide on the 27th October 2019, during a US special forces raid on his hideout in Syria. The irony in Baghdadi’s death compared with his apparently extreme (to say the least) morals on pride, strength and...
  • Monetising Mental Health

    Thursday 10th October was World Mental Health Day. You probably saw plenty of posts on social media from celebrities, authors, bloggers and the like. Raising awareness of mental health is a step towards dismantling stigma and creating a more open society where everyone can receive the support they need....