This French film, directed by Richard Angers, follows the story of two brothers and a man – Adrien – (Marc Messier) who unintentionally becomes a part of their journey. Adrien drove by as the older brother, Ced (Emile Schneider), was in a fight with a gang member. It appears...
This uplifting musical follows the story of two Mormons who are sent to Uganda to teach people about their religion. I had never heard of the Mormon religion before seeing the show, a branch of Christianity initiated by Joseph Smith in the 1920s. They both trained as missionaries, and the...
When I went to watch the new crime drama film Elle, I had no clue what it would be about. I guess I could say I was pleasantly surprised. Directed by Paul Varhoeven, this French film has won many awards, including the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress. I...
When my mum told me, my brother and his girlfriend that she had a surprise planned for us, we had no idea what to expect. She would not even tell us where it was until the day arrived. It turned out that we were headed to Leicester Square, in...
I was an anxious mess on Results Day. I could barely believe it when I looked on UCAS Track and realised I had been accepted at the University of Nottingham to study English and Philosophy. When I shared my excitement with others however, not everyone was pleased for me....