A thought-provoking and stimulating story of a world in which climate change has forced all of humanity to change how they live, Rising Tides by Emma White rises highest when it focuses on the personal relationships borne out on stage. Despite the play’s setting, a near-future Earth where climate...
Student-written theatre has never been finer than in Emma White’s Infectious. The two woman play is punchy, hilarious, and heart-breaking, and on multiple occasions through its one hour run time had its audience in fits of laughter, followed closely by tears. The story is effectively a monologue by Jessica,...
A Beautiful Thing did not shy away from audience participation, and frequently invited the audience to play an active role. This was a fact which seemed to come as news to the onlookers at the Lofthouse Theatre, Nottingham, where the play was shown on the 22nd of November. Despite...
Ambergate Reservoir is unlike anything I have seen at The Nottingham New Theatre. The production fuses elements of comedy and suspenseful drama to create a show that showcases director Emma White’s wonderful script-writing and Rachel Angeli’s completely engrossing acting. Christine (Rachel Angeli), a middle-aged mother separated from her husband,...