Cora-Laine Moynihan For decades past, girls were brought up with princesses, endless and endless numbers of beautiful, animated girls in crowns, while boys were raised idolising heroes like Spiderman and Hercules. This defined what a girl was from a boy. Pretty. Elegant. In need of rescuing. Rather than strong...
Disney fan’s latest obsession, Encanto, a film about the valuing of the familial bond over individual talents, has taken the world by storm with its catchy soundtrack living rent-free in our heads. Olivia Mayne discusses the reasons why the renowned song We Don’t Talk About Bruno has seen such...
Amy Child January can be a time filled with emptiness after the festive cheer dissipates, but there’s nothing like a good film to get your spirits back up. In our January theme of ‘cosiness’, Amy recommends 5 must-watch films to snuggle down with that are sure to soothe your...
Orla Newstead 2021 was an incredible year for Lin Manuel Miranda, having five films hit our screens to entertain us. Last year, he was on a creative rollercoaster with Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It, followed by In the Heights, then Vivo, then Tick,...