• Ronan Sullivan: Freshers’ Column #1

    The Oxford English Dictionary defines fresher as a “young frog”. In many ways, we are all young frogs. Born small into the big pond flailing, thrust into a world we know nothing of, battling to stay afloat amidst the copious amounts of liquid swirling around us (the liquid in...
  • Catalan independence: an explanation

    On the 1st of October, 90% of Catalans who voted in the region’s independence referendum voted in favour of secession from Spain, despite Spanish authorities shutting down polling stations and confiscating ballot boxes.   The Spanish government suppressed the referendum, calling it illegal, undemocratic, and unconstitutional. Despite this, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia,...
  • Portland: What the f*** is going on?

    Upon returning to Nottingham in September, University Park Campus had become a building site. Green has become grey. Open access has become fences and scaffolding. Wires are hanging from the ceiling and seemingly everything has moved location. These are the effects of a long term redevelopment project for the...
  • What I learned from a month at Edinburgh Fringe

    During the month of August, a transformation occurs. A metamorphosis. Edinburgh, a city of cold cobbled streets and winding alleys, becomes saturated with people and fairy lights. Edinburgh is a city of contrasts; for most of the year it is an anachronism, with the castle and medieval streets echoing...
  • Mindfulness: what’s the point?

    In a recent article by BPS Research Digest, Christian Jarrett claims that ‘perhaps teens are too cynical to benefit from mindfulness’. Based off negative research findings by Flinders University in Australia, the article explains a study in which a group of children were exposed to mindfulness practices to see...
  • An Evening with George Osborne

    Last Thursday, I got the train down to London with a mate to attend a Spectator event in at Cadogan Hall in Belgravia. At the event, Andrew Neil quizzed George Osborne about the build up to the financial crisis of 2007/08 and its legacy, as well as the role...
  • Why you should have to pay tuition fees

    The issue of tuition fees is a controversial topic that is dominating current politics. Labour’s promise to abolish fees has rallied much of the typically apathetic youth around Jeremy Corbyn, whereas current government policy receives great criticism within the student community. Corbyn’s stance on tuition fees in part explains...