We begin our rewind on January 4th 2021, when Johnson announced a third national lockdown- something that everyone had seen coming over the last weeks of 2020 with both the covid infection and death rates soaring. A stunning way to start off the new year....
After witnessing what she believed to be a particularly forceful arrest of a young woman outside Rock City in September of this year, Becky filed a complaint with Nottinghamshire Police. The disillusioning response she received was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and inspired her to pen an...
With term extending well into December this year, many students will be staying in Nottingham until 17th December, which means there is plenty of time for Christmas activities with your flatmates and friends. But, what should you do? Gemma Cockrell is here to provide a handy guide....
On Saturday, I took to the streets of Nottingham with hundreds of other women and girls in order to ‘Reclaim The Night’. Together we pounded the pavement. Together we shouted, chanted, whistled, screamed, and laughed. There were glow sticks and drums, fairy lights and blowhorns. In other words: we...
With the debate surrounding the politics and expectations of wearing a poppy reigniting each year around Remembrance Sunday, Orla Newstead questions whether the poppy is still an effective act of remembrance, or if it is now synonymous with those who utilise it for political cause....
I was 13 when my mother died. She was diagnosed with a brain tumour just after I turned one, and then Multiple Sclerosis a few years after that. Consequently, I grew up as a young carer, and Mum being unwell or in and out of hospital for countless surgeries...
In light of the last few weeks, the lack of safety and security for young women has never been more apparent. As I am sure you’ve heard, there has been a concerning increase in the reports of spiking, both in drinks and by needle, in bars and clubs in...