Unless you are a literature student specialising in the 19th-century gothic genre – you probably aren’t familiar with the names Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, no? Try Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë… hopefully these ring a bell (pardon the pun). The sisters are responsible for some well-known novels such...
Title: Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution Author: Mona Eltahawy Genre: Memoir, current affairs Publisher: Weidenfeld and Nicolson Published: 2016 Pages: 238 In Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution, Mona Eltahawy confronts the forces behind female oppression in the...
Thinking If they say age is just a number Why should it feel like a deadline? Anxious to meet and to hold: Onto the rise of expectations that greet its Joy; to put those who wonder, Under pressure to achieve… What others can only hope them to. If...
Laura’s short story reflects on the struggles faced as a young woman starting university. From an early age, I was taught never go anywhere on your own. To take my sister everywhere with me. Especially to public toilets. You hear stories, don’t you? Just last week, as well. All...
Published in 1792, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman had a daring thesis: women were “rational creatures” and ought to be treated as such. It’s hard to overstate the text’s importance within the history of feminist polemic. Although Wollstonecraft argued against the harsh restrictions 18th century society imposed...
She teeters. It will take 118 years until the global pay gap between men and women finally closes. She waits. One foot wedged on a crescent moon of a cradle, she rocks half the world to sleep. A basket of the deep Pacific sways atop her head, brimming,...
Written and directed by Florence Bell, Impact swung by to discuss the play with both her, producer Francis Simmons and a few other members of the cast, including Beth Summerfield and Laura Wolczyk. The play hits hard on 21st century concerns, primarily looking to desensitize stigmas surrounding femininity, whilst...