• Creamy Vegan Avocado Pasta Recipe

    Obsessed with avocados? Impact Food has plenty of new ways for you to enjoy them, try out this deliciously healthy and fulfilling vegan meal! Ingredients – 3 handfuls of spinach 2 avocados 1 cup of soy yoghurt 3 to 8 cloves of garlic 1 onion 1 Pack of spaghetti...
  • Cool New Cocktails @ Rub Smokehouse & Bar

    When we were invited to try out the new specials menu cocktails at Rub Smokehouse, we couldn’t turn the invitation down. We’re professional cocktail testers of course. These might just be the best and most original cocktails you can find in Nottingham this Autumn, concocted and named by members...
  • Healthy Hints for Staying Fit in Freshers

    While you get caught up in the late nights and early mornings, it may seem impossible to fit in breakfast, water and some good old fruit and veg. We’ve come up with a meal for breakfast, tea and pudding for when you need simple, quick and healthy food. So here’s some...
  • Coco-crazy – A Look at the Latest Cooking Craze

    On social media, adverts, newspapers alike, it seems that Coconut Oil can cure all kinds of ailments and solve a number of problems. So what’s the truth behind this wonder product and how can it help us lead a healthier diet? Sold as a food supplement for various kinds...

    Are you on the lookout for a new revision break location, a library alternative or perhaps a spot of celebratory coffee and cake? As Susan reveals, the answer is just on your doorstep… Opposite Sainsbury’s in Beeston lies a charming little café. The Bean was named one of the UK’s top...
  • A-Z of capital cities: Gibraltar

    Sitting just short of the southernmost point of the Spanish mainland is the peninsula of Gibraltar. The imposing rock around which the city thrives is the feature it’s typically known for – but with the rich culture that in turn thrives within the city, its multifarious historical attractions, and,...
  • Best of Cádiz

    Cádiz: the village-like town where everything is possible. Located at the foot of Spain, it hides a host of random treasures that can only be properly explored by spending time with the people who live there. After falling in love with Cádiz, we’ve noted down some things you should know if...