Halloween season has fallen upon us once again, and everyone is buzzing with a darkened excitement. Halloween parties are naturally going to be in abundance, some more hard-core than others, but if you would prefer to celebrate the spooky season through the world of Board Games, read on to...
Since its debut in 2006, Death Note has become one of the most successful and well-known animes worldwide. It is therefore unsurprising that director Adam Wingard made the decision to create a feature-length production based upon the original Japanese work. Yet the term ‘based on’ must be used loosely,...
In honour of the University of Nottingham’s very own NSTV celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, Impact are looking back at what else first appeared in 2007. We’ve compiled a list of ten things that are now ten years old, so get ready for a jump back into pop...
For me, there are numerous games which I will forever praise above the rest, but one which I will repeatedly play without ever growing bored is Dragon Age: Origins. First introduced to me at 13, I was sceptical of such a game design – most of my interests lay...
Since its release in June 2016, the zombie survival game 7 Days to Die has received numerous reviews, yet most of them edge more towards criticism than praise, especially regarding the console version, which is the one I played. Yet despite these criticisms, I personally found the game an enjoyable...
With the popularity of Pokémon Go, and the recent release of Pokémon Sun and Moon, I couldn’t resist reflecting on my own experience of an old Pokémon favourite of mine: Pokémon Ruby. As the new versions became available for re-release, I immediately* (*insert half an hour getting a DS over ten...
As a character, Crash Bandicoot has been a favourite among avid gamers for years, particularly for me, and for my sister. When the game was first released back in 1996, she found herself immediately addicted. Even my mother had a go and, much to my sister’s horror, she completed...