On 11th February 2023, Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old transgender girl was found dead by passersby in a park near Warrington, Cheshire. Two teenagers have been charged, and are set to go on trial in association with her death later this year. Joseph Clayton discusses the aftermath of the tragedy...
Poppy Read-Pitt Following a slew of violent crimes against wom*n this year, our government is now considering making misogyny something that the police would record as a hate crime. While this does point towards positive change, the pitfalls in our justice system mean it will almost certainly serve as...
The University of Nottingham (UoN) has partnered with Nottingham Citizens to raise awareness of hate crime. Nottingham Citizens have released a survey to not only raise awareness of hate crime, but to also get an “accurate snapshot of what hate crime looks like in Nottingham.” Impact reached out to...
Stanley Kubrick once said “a filmmaker has almost the same freedom as a novelist has when he buys himself some paper”. A very optimistic opinion, especially considering the large number of films banned and given an X rating during the ’70s by the BBFC (thus making them unmarketable for...
As part of a new initiative to provide information to victims of hate crime and encourage the reporting of incidents, representatives from Nottinghamshire Police and City Council held a meeting at the University of Nottingham on Monday 26 October. The meeting was jointly led by Dave Alton, Hate Crime Manager for Nottinghamshire Police...
Is there any better way to draw interest in a film than to have it banned? Let’s face it, we all love a bit of forbidden fruit from time to time. But is it right that government censors have the power to control the flow of information? Placing limitations...
Last night, Nottingham Citizens held a General Assembly, where over 2000 people from across Nottingham heard local and national politicians be held to account on the issues that matter to the city. Nottingham Citizens is an alliance of 43 community organisations from education, faith, trade union and third sector...