• Positive Impact: Three societies to join this year

    One way of enhancing the CV, meeting like-minded people and generally increasing your productivity is to become part of a society. Here, I have selected just three of the many societies that provide wonderful opportunities and environments to help you thrive during your time at university.  UoN CC The...
  • Healthy Impact: Headaches

    5 years ago I graduated from UoN and began working in the NHS as a junior doctor. Now I’m back at the Uni, this time as a postgrad studying Medical Education, while working as a GP in a local practice. For this article in my new Healthy Impact series i’m...
  • Down the ‘Free-from’ isle: life as a vegan coeliac

    I’m definitely in a rare bracket when it comes to dietary requirements. I’m a gluten-free vegan. Being vegan is a choice I make for ethical reasons, so I don’t feel irritated at facing the occasional minor obstacle to act upon my ethical beliefs. However, upon finding out from my...
  • Digital Detoxing: A week without Social Media.

    For someone who wants to work in media, you may ask what provoked me going cold turkey from social media. I wouldn’t say I was addicted, maybe a bit reliant. What provoked this hiatus was a wide and generally miserable feeling: A deep dissatisfaction that my summer isn’t quite...
  • Summer Skincare: How to keep your skin healthy this summer

    We have all been there. Lounging in the sun for too long and going home a red, sore, peeling mess. Tragic indeed. For your skin’s health however, it is literally vital to avoid this level of damage. Fortunately, it is really quite easy to keep your skin healthy over...
  • Uni student diets: saving the planet, your money or your conscience?

    Most teenagers tend to adopt the same diet as their parents when living at home due to convenience and upbringing. However, when these teenagers head off to university they are confronted with a new mix of housemates and differing diets. This, along with their discovery of the price of...
  • Ditch Your Takeaway And Have A Fakeaway

    We are undoubtedly, as a country, in a bit of a health crisis. Takeaways and fast food are amongst the most obviously destructive food choices in this sense. Takeaways often contain more fat, salt and calories than your recommended government guideline amount. Eating foods like this can increase your...