The new Amazon Prime anthology series thrills with retellings of the historical events that birthed the world’s most enduring legends. Lore, a new entry into Amazon’s ever-expanding repertoire of TV shows and films, debuted its entire first season on Friday 13th, aptly timed for Halloween. Each of the 6...
With an attempt to franchise The Dark Tower, Pennywise the clown terrorising audiences in what is set to be film of the year, and Netflix’s attempt to redo cult classic The Mist, it’s been raining Steven King adaptations this year. Seemingly overshadowed its siblings, however, September brought us the...
Horror gets a little more visceral as we move into the second half of our journey. The relaxation of film censorship and changes in social attitudes in the 1970s meant that producers could churn out the kind of bloodthirsty cinema that would have been unthinkable a decade before. X-rated...
Another year of university has come and gone, bringing us ever closer to the moment many are to enter. . . the real world. But before I induce an existential, quarter-life crisis, I’ll move on to the plethora of films coming out this month – blockbusters and horrors aplenty....
Sean McGurk continues to list his top ten greatest films of the 21st century. Next up, Mulholland Drive: Why do films need to make sense? Pretty Woman once invented the infamous quote – “This is Hollywood; the land of dreams.” This line has never been taken more profoundly than in...
Warning: Major Spoilers ahead. The highly anticipated movie Get Out has just hit UK cinema screens and is receiving a phenomenal reaction, in fact it has already crossed the coveted $100 million mark at box office. This film is a blend of race-savvy satire and horror that demonises the...
A critique of the capitalistic lifestyle and an all out riddle of a film, A Cure for Wellness is Gore Verbinki’s newest installment into the horror genre. It is psychologically comparable to Shutter Island, but manages to have an originality to it that does not fail to thrill. While...