Set in early 1970s America against the backdrop of a Vietnam War, The Post offers us a nostalgic yet highly topical look at the Washington Post’s tough decision to publish the Pentagon Papers – classified documents detailing the 30-year involvement of the USA in the Vietnam War. With The...
Following the death of his father, King T’Challa returns home to the isolated and technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda. Here he must defend his right to both the throne and the mantle of Black Panther, from foes both at home and abroad, and must make a decision that...
With an all-star cast and a momentously high concept premise, Downsizing is an intriguing, slightly confused film from Sideways and Nebraska director Alexander Payne. Payne situates his latest movie with the biggest of big picture ideas: human miniaturization. He paints us a near-future in which scientists have invented a...
After a rushed production, months of re-shoots, two directors and a CGI moustache problem, Justice League has finally arrived in theatres and result is exactly what you’d expect – meh. The first thing that must be said is Justice League never reaches the lows of Batman v Superman: Dawn...
The Asian Film Bucket List has taken us from a jarring Japanese thriller, through an intense Indian social commentary, all the way to a sharp Singaporean rom-com. So how better to round off the rave reviews than with an aesthetically pleasing arthouse piece from our final destination of Vietnam?...
An off-kilter Singaporean romantic comedy written, directed by and starring Jason Chan, Perfect Girl taps into all the bumps and bruises experienced by people navigating love and dating in the modern world. While it feels tiresome at some points, it succeeds at giving us bits of romantic wisdom in...
Murder on the Orient Express is a film that does what it says on the tin: it is about a murder on a train. However, there is much more to this mystery than meets the eye. Twentieth Century Fox certainly didn’t scrimp on the budget, with a star studded cast...