• Boo For Boohoo- Modern Slavery In The UK

    Founded in Manchester in 2006, the exclusively online fast-fashion brand Boohoo is a well-known success story. Originally entering the fashion e-commerce market “with just a handful of staff”, they subsequently rocketed to success as online consumerism exploded, with Boohoo group recently being valued at £5 billion and operating seven...
  • Is It Our Responsibility Not To Travel Abroad This Summer?

    Since the 4th July there has been no longer a ban on non-essential travel abroad from the UK, meaning that there is now potential to go on the holiday we have all been craving after being stuck in our houses for the majority of 2020....
  • ‘Dither and Delay’: Why Have The New Rules Surrounding Face Masks Taken So Long?

    Tuesday brought with it welcome news of the government’s latest U-turn as health secretary Matt Hancock announced that face coverings will be made mandatory in shops from the 24th July. With countless pieces of evidence emerging on the effectiveness of masks at reducing the transmission of Covid-19, it is...
  • How Important Are Societies To University Culture?

    It is safe to say that over time, societies have played an integral part in university culture. Developing in some of the earliest universities, the concept of a society has evolved with the changing times. What would have begun as clubs only open to the social elite, societies have...
  • An Unmasking Of America’s Ignorance?

    America: Land of the Free. Or more accurately, Land of the Free-to-Openly-Ignore-Scientific-Facts. The hostility from certain groups in America towards various medical and healthcare issues is a frequently documented occurrence. In a 2015 National Geographic article, Joel Achenbach writes, “We live in an age when all manner of scientific...
  • Teaching To Suffer As COVID-19 Causes Cuts At UoN

    The UK’s higher education system is one of our most illustrious exports; consistently dominating global league tables for research and, more importantly, teaching. The University of Nottingham with its Russell Group status and campuses across two continents is no exception; at least for now. ...
  • Black Lives Matter- The Starting 11 We Never Knew We Needed

    “I wish I had put a bet on Black Lives Matter to score, he’s all over the pitch”. This comment appeared on my Facebook feed while I was watching the Premier League game between Southampton and Norwich. In solidarity with the Black Lives Matter campaign, the slogan replaced player’s...