Charming and poignant, Pin Cushion is a movie brimming with whimsy and emotion. Chronicling the naturally fraught stage of the mother-daughter relationship during adolescence, its surface innocence and stunning twists make it a truly startling debut picture from first-time British director Deborah Haywood. Pin Cushion’s plot follows Mother, Lynn...
Dot To Dot is an annual festival that tours Manchester, Bristol and Nottingham over May Bank Holiday weekend. With more than 200 local acts across these locations, the festival celebrates all kinds of musical genres in various venues and bars. Impact had the pleasure of going along for the day in Nottingham and getting a taste of all the action. After...
“Get on with it you Scouse fuck,” is, I imagine, not something you expect to hear from an audience who has paid to hear you perform. Nor do I imagine that when Liverpool band SPINN opened their set at the Chameleon Arts Café, they expected to finish with an...
Unless you’ve had your head in the sand for the past decade and have somehow managed to exclude them from the narrative of your teenage years, it’s pretty unlikely that you won’t have heard of The Wombats. Having racked up an impressive discography, with four albums no less, and...
Back on another world tour, the alternative/ indie rock legends Imagine Dragons bring their third album ‘Evolve’ (2017) to sold out arenas across the UK. Supported by the genre-defying K.Flay, both artists create an unforgettable night. With her iconic, almost breathy vocals, K.Flay showcased her ability to instantly transition...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past fourteen or so years, its a given that you’ve heard of The Killers. The four piece from Las Vegas have gifted the world not just singalong anthem ‘Mr Brightside’, but ‘When You Were Young’, ‘Smile Like You Mean It’,...
Offering another healthy if sometimes unpalatable dose of nostalgic eighties- and nineties-influenced indies rock, Superfood’s second record Bambino take the band to all-new highs, but the newly-condensed band (only two out of the four original members remain) still haven’t managed to cut the filler – an issue which plagued...