After several enticing teasers, this is the first full trailer for the new collaboration between Marvel and Netflix: Jessica Jones. And it’s brilliant. Apparently closely linked to Netflix hit Daredevil, with both being set in Hell’s Kitchen, Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) is a private detective with superpowers, and a...
British fantasy horror film Howl was shown in Nottingham as part of the Mayhem Film Festival. Director Paul Hyett also came along to answer some questions about the making of the film in a ‘Making Monsters Masterclass’. Werewolves on a train. It sounds like a supernatural Snakes on a...
In my mind, Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of those iconic films that everyone knows about and most people have seen, one that is raved about by all who watch it and will be around for decades to come. I’ve known of the existence of this film for a...