Here we take a look at why Movember, and the cause it is supporting, is so important. ...
In Fresher’s week, you will meet thousands of faces you’ve never seen before. A fundamentally cosmopolitan institution, these faces will come from all around the world, and you likely won’t recognise a single one. A few may ring a bell, make you do a double take. A couple you...
The lungs of the Earth are burning. To the surprise of many, they always have been. NASA reports that, this year, the total fire activity across ‘the Amazon basin … has been close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years’. People, now, remarkably, seem to be...
Following the slew of recent mugging related incidences on campus, including one involving himself, Joe tackles the tough topic of muggings, using science to explain why someone would commit such a crime....
Well, can you? A recent BBC article has speculated on the topic. It reported on the tragic murder of the aptly named Hitchbot (a hitchhiking robot), which was found with its arms and legs ripped off and it’s head nowhere to be seen. The Hitchbot, remarkably, was built to...
A wise, ageing man once said, “Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” This year, a year in which the ramifications and messages of that quotation could not ring truer, that wise, ageing man passed away at the age of seventy-six. Stephen Hawking was an inspiration to all....
To coincide with the release of our latest Print issue centring around Diversity, Joe presents us with a fantastic poem on the very same theme. Employing the traditional Arabic poet form of the ghazal, Joe explores the culture of mixed opinions in which we live today. A Ghazal on...