After the financial (if not critical) success of Disney and Tim Burton’s 2010 Alice in Wonderland, the film that spawned the success of the studio’s live-action remakes such as last year’s Cinderella, it comes as no surprise that 2016 brings the film adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s much-loved sequel: Alice...
It’s nearly Christmas, a time for all things sugary and nice. But, in the world of film, not everything would make it onto Santa’s list. The next few days will see Impact Film & TV look at the good and the bad of popular franchises. Enjoy! For many people,...
A large wave of award season contenders are finally starting to head over to UK cinemas and, although Black Mass may not be in contention for best picture, expect some nominations in the acting department as Johnny Depp puts himself back on the map as a serious actor. Black...
From the genius quirks of Tim Burton comes a sequel to the wonderful star-studded 2010 film Alice in Wonderland– this time it’s Alice Through the Looking Glass. Since the first film was based on the classic Lewis Carrol books mixed with the beautiful madness of Tim Burton’s mind, the...
It’s fair to say that Johnny Depp’s film roles over the past few years haven’t been entirely accurate representations of the talent that has made him a star. His portrayal of a Native American in Lone Ranger sparked controversy, Transcendence was described as bland and anticlimactic, and Mortdecai has deservedly...
Into the Woods is a Disney adaptation of a Broadway musical where several familiar fairy tale storylines all converge within the magical space of The Woods. The central character to all the arcs is Meryl Streep as The Witch, and an actor of Streep’s calibre is needed to carry off...
With nothing else to do on a 2010 December’s day, one couldn’t be criticised if they popped into the cinema and decided on a film that had some eye-candy in, The Tourist. However, such a decision would be regrettable due to what is an excruciatingly abysmal film. The only way to describe The...