Trumbo tells the tale of Dalton Trumbo: acclaimed screenwriter of The Brave One, Spartacus and Roman Holiday, who was blacklisted and imprisoned in the United States in 1947 for his affiliation with the Communist Party at the height of the Red Scare in America. As with Spike Lee’s Malcolm...
It is only four months since Gabrielle Aplin graced the Nottingham stage but the crowd seemed still to have missed her. Since she played at Rescue Rooms in October, her second album Light Up The Dark has only got more popular and she clearly enjoyed being back in front...
Kanye West is the definition of the problematic pop star, perhaps at a level of status and vitriol no musician before him has ever received. This month alone he tweeted the moronic sentiment ‘BILL COSBY INNOCENT!!’ started two beefs and perpetuated the most sloppy album build-up of all time....
On the 13th December 2013, Beyoncé dropped 14 unique music videos unannounced, with no prior warning, the world went Bey crazy. Fast forward two years and two months later, she did it again. But this time she didn’t need 14 music videos to cause a political storm: only one. On...
Valentine’s Day is upon us. If words alone can’t conceivably hope to covey the depths of your passion, if you hope to woo a potential valentine, or even if you’re sacking off the whole thing as a bad job – compile the following playlist and all of your appropriately seasonal fancies and...
Charlie Puth gained his fame through posting pop and doo-wop videos on YouTube since 2009. Nine Track Mind is his first album, which features the infectiously catchy single ‘Marvin Gaye’ featuring Meghan Trainor, that has bound to have gotten on your nerves already. Puth attempted to honour the soul...
Save The Children’s latest campaign ‘Read On, Get On’ launched on Monday 8th February at the University of Nottingham (UoN). The campaign aims to raise awareness of the need for reading tuition for children at an earlier age than is commonly assumed. The campaign seeks to combat a national deterioration of literacy rates, which...