British director James Watkins ventures into the action genre with Bastille Day, his previous successes being Eden Lake and The Woman in Black which are both rooted in the horror genre. Bastille Day is set in Paris and follows a troubled but loveable pickpocket, Michael Mason (Game of Thrones’ Richard...
‘Cinematic Dogmatic’ brings you all the latest films in one place! This week: Bone Tomahawk, Hail, Caesar!, High-Rise, London has Fallen, Secret in their Eyes and Triple 9. Tom brings you quick-fire opinions on the hottest new releases. Bone Tomahawk The latest entry into the posse of revisionist, post-modern, feminist, parodic,...
What do you expect from a generic action movie trailer? Lots of gunshots, explosions, too much plot revealed, a plot that involves some kind of world-domination or global issue, a global issue that involves the President of the United States, lots of Inception-esque ‘bwaaa’ sounds, people talking with the...