The concluding film at Mayhem Film Festival definitely put meaning to the word ‘mayhem’. Directed by Karyn Kusama (Jennifer’s Body), this story steers away from conventional horror, and seems to lie more in the psychological thriller genre. The story tells us of a man named Will (Logan Marshall-Green) and...
Every year the hosts of Mayhem put together an eclectic mix of international short films, usually with one or two local films thrown in. This year was no different. First up was one of the local films, Lab Rats, a film about a group of animal rights activists attempting...
German Angst is a privately funded trilogy of middling length movies all centred in Berlin. It opens with Final Girl, by Jörg Buttgereit of Nekromantik infamy (the most romantically shot film about a threesome with a corpse you are likely to see). His film is a slightly claustrophobic torture...
It’s not every day you get to watch an Ethiopian sci-fi/horror road-trip. For this reason alone, Crumbs is an utterly unique experience. Miguel Llanso has directed many short-films (Where is my Dog, Pero Liquen, First Peasant on Mars), but this is his feature-length debut. Whilst there are a few...
Mayhem is one of the cornerstones of Nottingham’s film culture. Hosted by Broadway cinema, each year it brings a fascinating flavour of niche film-making to a wider audience. With 17 films shown in 4 days, there’s bound to be something which grabs your interest. Earlier in the week we...
Mayhem is one of the cornerstones of Nottingham’s film culture. Hosted by Broadway cinema, each year it brings a fascinating flavour of niche film-making to a wider audience. With 17 films shown in 4 days, there’s bound to be something which grabs your interest. Earlier in the week we...
Mayhem is one of the cornerstones of Nottingham’s film culture. Hosted by Broadway cinema, each year it brings a fascinating flavour of niche film-making to a wider audience. This is the perfect opportunity to broaden your horizons, but more than this, it’s a must-see event for film-enthusiasts full-stop. With...