• Oscar Diversity and The Inclusion Rider

    Last week I complained about how white the Oscars (and therefore Hollywood) are to this day. What I lightly brushed upon is just how male-dominant the film industry actually is. To start, Frances McDormand had surprised a lot of people on Sunday when she left the stage after collecting...
  • 90th Academy Awards – Predictions (Pt. II)

    With the 90th Academy Awards just around the corner, Oscar aficionados will be redrafting their carefully curated list of predictions. Although most categories may look near-locked, changes to the Academy’s voting body in recent years (in order to combat the #OscarsSoWhite controversy) combined with a preferential voting system, means...
  • A Look at Diversity in the Oscars 2018

    This year’s (slightly belated) Oscars are almost upon us! For me, this usually means finding something yellow-goldish to wear, getting my friends to come over, and eat inexcusable amounts of popcorn until four or five in the morning. While all these Oscar rituals that I have going are mad...
  • Hollywood Puts on a Brave Face in Light of a Truly Dark Year

    The nominations are in, and now throughout Hollywood speeches are being written, falsely gracious losing faces practised, probably even somewhere red carpets dry-cleaned. And yet this year’s ceremony will take place in the light of what can only be described as a truly earth-shattering year for the industry. The...
  • Ready In 5: Best of Sundance 2017

    As the industry’s mecca for fans of independent cinema, Sundance Film Festival is the annual amalgamation of actors, directors and press where many are granted with the opportunity to showcase their work and potentially sell distribution rights, aiming for a release during the rest of the year. Sundance 2017...