The third season of the hit Netflix series Sex Education sees characters we’ve grown to loveface an array of new challenges, attitudes, and life events; all while upholding the reputationof an emotional yet comedic show packed full to the brim with socially-conscious andrelevant issues. Katie Hardy shares her full...
Rachel Elphick In honour of the new Cinderella movie which has just come out on Amazon Prime, Rachel spent Freshers’ week not going to Freshers’ things and instead sitting down to watch various versions of the classic tale with friends. (Using all their logins for the various streaming services...
Daria Paterek After Netflix confirmed that it is branching into video games, the streaming giant has taken a big step towards this goal. Launched on the 26th of August, Netflix has started trailing the offer by providing two mobile games to its subscribers. However, the service is only available...
Sharon reviews new Netflix rom-com 'Good on Paper' ...
Gemma Cockrell reviews Bo Burnham's 'Inside'. ...
Thrills, drama, and devastation are three words to sum up Season 3 of Netflix’s Formula 1: Drive to Survive. Aptly released in the build-up to the 2021 Formula 1 championship, which kicked off in Bahrain on the 28th March, the season captured the disruption brought to the sport due...
Jack Richardson You know that feeling when you discover a new show, and it’s everything you love? Smart, funny, creepy, wildly imaginative, and it slams you in the feels like a heavyweight champion? You know that feeling when a show sets your imagination alight? And you devour every theory...