Prince Harry and his new fiancée, Meghan Markle, are set to visit Nottingham this Friday for their very first joint official engagement. Upon announcing Friday’s visit, Kensington Palace tweeted: “Prince Harry is looking forward to introducing Ms Markle to a community that has become very special to him.” They...
The Place is Here is grounded in the 1980’s, a crucial turning point in British multicultural politics. It brings together a wide range of works in varying mediums in order to question visitors about identity, and what culture is for. The collaborative efforts of thirty artists make up, in...
We couldn’t narrow it down to just five, so here Impact Arts presents our favourite arty spaces in Nottingham… Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery: Nottingham Castle is perhaps Nottingham’s most iconic building, and contains a wealth of art and artefacts to satisfy even the most curious of minds. They...
Marguerite Humeau is a French artist living in London, whose work focuses on the links that can be formed between worlds. Her work has been featured among many celebrated collections such as the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Serpentine Gallery and the MoMA. This, her first solo exhibition in...
Nottingham Contemporary director Alex Farquharson has been revealed as the new director of London’s Tate Britain. After his stint as a founding member of Nottingham’s premier art gallery, and director since 2007, Farquharson was announced as Penelope Curtis’ replacement yesterday. Due to criticisms over Curtis’ leadership of the cultural...
The Grand Tour originally took place in the 17th – 19th centuries for rich travellers so they could become ‘cultured’. The tour took them across the globe, from England to Italy and Greece. For the modern day traveller however, this has been narrowed down to the much more accessible local...
Last night, The Nottingham Contemporary opened exhibitions by two exciting, emerging, international artists. The galleries were filled, for a late night viewing, with the works of Raphael Hefti and Agnieszka Polska, and an intrigued and inspired audience. The atmosphere was electric as I walked into Hefti’s self-titled exhibition, weaving...