Stanley Kubrick once said “a filmmaker has almost the same freedom as a novelist has when he buys himself some paper”. A very optimistic opinion, especially considering the large number of films banned and given an X rating during the ’70s by the BBFC (thus making them unmarketable for...
Mild Spoilers It’s 43 years since Brando and Schneider taught the world a new use for butter and in that time as cinemagoers we haven’t advanced much. Either the audience I just happened to witness Fifty Shades of Grey with is the most repressed in history or that cluster of titterers...
Ambition. The driving force of all the arts, ambition was as much the subject of 2014’s cinematic output as it was the modus operandi. From the pseudo-philosophical posturing of Interstellar to the Achilles heel of tragic protagonists (Inside Llewyn Davis, Starry Eyes), ambition has proved a millstone just as...