In a year where the superhero genre has arguably hit the heights of greatness (Captain America: Civil War) and the depths of the cesspit (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), X-Men: Apocalypse provides a safe middling entry to the list. The weakest of Bryan Singer’s four contributions to the...
There are many films with Apocalypse in the title. It’s one of the many clichéd and lazy selected titles that studios will slap on an unnecessary sequel in order to give it some “edge” over its predecessor. In Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the world wasn’t going to end. In Avengers:...
In the latest instalment of the X-Men film series, X-Men: Apocalypse will be bursting onto the big screen in May 2016. Bringing together all our favourite characters from both the original trilogy and the ‘first class’ gang, Apocalypse features Oscar Isaac as the eponymous villain who is intent on...