Girl from the North Country is a jukebox musical that features the music of legendary folk singer/songwriter, Bob Dylan. The play is set in Duluth, Minnesota, coincidentally, the birthplace of Bob Dylan. Set in 1934, it follows a group of down-on-their-luck characters, who are all financially and emotionally reeling...
On 9th September 2022, a modern-day Agatha Christie swept onto our cinema screens. It has been well-received by the public, and is a film full of energy and mystery. One of our reviewers, Will Stead, screened the film. Here are his thoughts....
Brett Morgen’s new documentary Moonage Daydream celebrates the life of a powerhouse, an archetype of a “messiah rockstar” and maybe one of the best dressed men of the 20th century. Mr David Bowie, also known as The Man Who Fell to Earth, Ziggy Stardust and many other personas! Nat...
Don't Worry Darling is the exciting new psychological thriller directed by Olivia Wilde, starring two of the most popuar young actors of the last few years. Harry Styles' first starring role has generated huge publicity and anticipation. Charlie Maris reviews....
The new Star Wars series Andor is a prequel to Rogue One and follows the exploits of Rebel spy Cassian Andor in they years leading up to the film. Daniel Evans Reviews....
Freshers are always on the look out for memorable experiences when they come to University. The Pudding Pantry in Nottingham serves many delicious edibles, and offers both bottomless brunch and afternoon tea. Kit Sinclair recently partook in an afternoon of bottomless brunch at The Pudding Pantry in Trinity Square....
As part of Welcome Week 2022, Impact would like to introduce our magazine to newcomers. This series will introduce our 8 main sections giving you an idea of what we do, who we are and how to get involved!
Impact is the University of Nottingham’s official student magazine. We are...