Jess Rothenburg welcomes us into a futuristic Disney-esque theme park in The Kingdom, a hub of scientific innovation where animatronic princesses known as fantasists give guests the time of their lives as they explore expansive biomes filled with mythical and extinct creatures alike. However, whilst the setting reads like...
Well, can you? A recent BBC article has speculated on the topic. It reported on the tragic murder of the aptly named Hitchbot (a hitchhiking robot), which was found with its arms and legs ripped off and it’s head nowhere to be seen. The Hitchbot, remarkably, was built to...
We have sculpted our planet since the beginnings of human existence, and in doing so have changed so many ecosystems that the earth’s stability is now reliant upon human intervention. More than ever before, conservation institutions have to work tirelessly, and often unsuccessfully in attempts to remediate the anthropogenic...