Marvel relish in the opportunity to throw in little nods and calls to other characters and events in their cinematic universe, whether it be in passing conversations or glimpses of newspaper headlines. These Easter eggs are great fun, but only if you’ve seen all of the films – and...
In 2013, the night before my Business Studies GCSE morning exam, I was up at 3am watching E3, where a surprise teaser for an unannounced Star Wars: Battlefront was played. Little was shown: just snow, a couple of faint blaster shots that sparked some excited murmuring and then one...
In honour of the University of Nottingham’s very own NSTV celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, Impact are looking back at what else first appeared in 2007. We’ve compiled a list of ten things that are now ten years old, so get ready for a jump back into pop...
With a weaker console and waning fanbase, Microsoft had to deliver a convincing pitch for their mid-gen console release, Xbox One X, and bring the games to back it up. Reigning console champions Sony had high expectations to deliver developments and release dates on, with lots of previously revealed...