The BBC and HBO team up to bring Philip Pullman’s epic fantasy drama to life, in the form of His Dark Materials. Rising from the ashes of the disappointing 2007 The Golden Compass (dir. Chris Weitz), this series directed by Tom Hooper is the realisation of everything fans could hope...
If there was ever an opening theme song that perfectly encapsulated the programme it heralded, it has to be Massive Attack’s eerily hypnotic ‘Paradise Circus’, which continues to dominate and entice audiences into Luther. Its words, “The Devil makes us sin” proclaims the show as a purveyor of evil...
With less than a month remaining until the new semester gets started, we’ve got some suggestions for you to cram in before your summer of Netflix is departed. Bharat bestows the latest in our next best recommendations on Netflix. X-Men Considered a catalyst for 90’s comic book cartoon adaptations,...